Lefty Award Winners Announced
Left Coast Crime 2020 finally announced the winners for the 2020 Lefty
Awards as follows:
Best Humorous Mystery Novel: SCOT & SODA, by Catrina McPherson (Midnight Ink)
Best Historical Mystery Novel: THE SATAPUR MOONSTONE, by Sujata Massey
(Soho Crime)
Best Debut Mystery Novel: MURDERABILIA, by Carl Vonderau (Midnight Ink)
Best Mystery Novel: LOST TOMORROWS, by Matt Coyle (Oceanview Publishing)
The winners were supposed to be announced and presented on Saturday, March 14 during the Left Coast Crime 2020 convention at the Marriot Mission Valley in San Diego, California, but LCC 2020 was cancelled due to the coronavirus pandemic and so was the Lefty presentation there. The winner announcement was finally made on March 23 online and the the presentation was made virtually. (March 24, 2020)