2015 Grand Masters, Raven and EQ Award winners
The Mystery Writers of America (MWA) has announced that Lois Duncan and James Ellroy will receive the 2015 MWA Grand Master Awards for their important contributions to the mystery genre at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York City on April 29, 2015.
On the same day, Jon and Ruth Jordan, co-founders of Crimespree Magazine, a bi-monthly print fanzine, and Kathryn Kennison, founder of Magna cum Murder, a Medwestern mystery conference, will receive the 2015 Raven Awards. Also, Charles Ardai, editor of Hard Case Crime, a paperback publishing house, will receive the 2015 Ellery Queen Award.
(大鴉賞は《Crimespree Magazine》の創刊者、ジョンおよびルース・ジョーダンに、エラリー・クイーン賞はチャールズ・アーダイに授与される)