The Mystery Writers of America has announced the winners for the 2011 Edgar Awards as follows:
●長篇賞(Best Novel): The Lock Artist, by Steve Hamilton (Minotaur)
“The Lock Artist “は、マクナイト・シリーズ(『氷の闇を越えて』『ウルフ・ムーンの夜』『狩りの風よ吹け』)ではなく、単発の作品。少年時に言語障害を負い、10代後半に天才的金庫破りとなった若者の半生記です。マクナイト・シリーズが饒舌な主人公だったのに対し、今回はことばを封じられた主人公にほどよい抑制を感じます。小気味よく短文を重ねた、リズムのよい文章が秀逸。(越前敏弥)
●処女長篇賞(Best First Novel by an American Author): Rogue Island, by Bruce DeSilva (Forge)→ポケットミステリ(早川書房)7月刊行予定
●オリジナルペーパーバック賞(Best Paperback Original): Long Time Coming, by Robert Goddard (Bantam)→ 講談社文庫刊行予定
◇北田絵里子さんによる「初心者のためのロバート・ゴダード」はこちら。受賞作 Long Time Coming の紹介もあります。
●犯罪実話賞(Best Fact Crime): Scoreboard, Baby: A Story of College Football, Crime, and Complicity, by Ken Armstrong and Nick Perry (University of Nebraska Press-Bison)
●評論評伝賞(Best Critical/Biographical): Charlie Chan: The Untold Story of the Honorable Detective and his Rendezvous with American History, by Yunte Huang (Norton)
●短篇賞(Best Short Story): “The Scent of Lilacs”, by Doug Allyn (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, September/October 2010)
●ジュブナイル賞(Best Juvenile): The Buddy Files: The Case of the Lost Boy, by Dori Hillestad Butler (Albert Whitman & Co.)
●ヤングアダルト長編賞(Best Young Adult): The Interrogation of Gabriel James, by Charlie Price (Farrar, Straus and Giroux Books for Young Readers)
●演劇賞(Best Play): The Psychic, by Sam Bobrick (Falcon Theatre, Burbank, California)
●TVエピソード賞(Best Television Episode Teleplay): Episode 1,Luther, teleplay by Neil
Cross (BBC America)
●メアリー・ヒギンズ・クラーク賞(The Simon & Schuster-Mary Higgins Clark Award): The Crossing Places, by Elly Griffiths (Houghton Mifflin Harcourt)
●ロバート・L・フィッシュ賞(Robert L. Fish Memorial Award): “Skyler Hobbs and the Rabbit Man”, by Evan Lewis (Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, February 2010)
●巨匠賞(Grand Master): サラ・パレツキー(Sara Paretsky)
●大鴉賞(Raven Awards): Centuries & Sleuths (owned by Augie Alesky) in Chicago, and Once Upon a Crime (owned by Pat Frovarp and Gary Schulze) in Minneapolis, Minnesota
◇受賞作・候補作一覧→ http://www.theedgars.com/nominees.html
◇エドガー賞公式サイト→ http://www.theedgars.com/index.html